Faculty of Economics

Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurial Economics

Under rapid changes in the global economy, goods, services and financial assets move freely across international borders and between institutions and corporations. The accumulation of knowledge and the capabilities required to prepare for these changes become key resources to facilitate understanding. The Faculty of Economics at Kasetsart University recognizes the consequences for students to comprehend and put in practice this knowledge and has developed a program specializing in Entrepreneurial Economics.

Office of EEBA

Room no: 5216, 2nd floor, Economics Laboratory Building

Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University

50 Ngam Wong Wan Road Chatuchak Bangkok 10900 Thailand

+66 (0) 2579 2800, +66 (0) 2 579 1544 ext 5602-3, +66 (0) 2579 2801


The Bachelor of Economics Program (English Program), or BEcon

at the department of Economics offers an in-depth training in theories, principles, thoughts and applications of economics on economic and social issues. The program cover a wide range of economic fields/subjects including economic development and planning, transportation, international trade and finance, fiscal and monetary policies, labor market, industrail organization, natural resource and environment, quantitative economics and business economics. The program meets the international standard of excellences in economic training. The department of economics commits to providing excellent training for future workforce who is competitive in the job market as well as in academic world.

For more in formation, please contact:

Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics

Kasesart University, Bangkhen Campus

50 Ngam Wong Wan Rd, Ladyao Chatuchak, Bangkok THAILAND

E-mail: becon@ku.ac.th

Url: http://www.becon.eco.ku.ac.th

Tel: +66 0-2561-3474, +66 0-2942-8048, +66 0-2579-0739